Sunday, February 15, 2009

give love! it's BALENCHIMES.


the girlfriend

The main dish
Wasabi mashed potatoes with beans and Beef Steak

the 3-eyed ogre
(i don't have any clear shots and i don't care coz this pic is cool)

Feb 14. The most loved date by girls/women; and of course, the opposite for the opposite sex.

But hey! give loooovveee coz its BALENCHIMES!

The girlfriend and I went to Discovery Tagaytay to celebrate our 3rd straight Valentine date. The fact that we were going out on the day itself was plain suicide. It started off, 4PM went to fetch the GF. Burned an hour through. So I had a terrible feeling that this day was just not gonna be my day... or night. Then I, the brave ogre, went on! Surprisingly EDSA has light traffic. We passed by EDSA for about 30 minutes and we're already in SLEX. sweet(note:we came from Q.ave-Edsa.). The SLEX, despite those merging lanes caused by road repairs, was good to me. Yes, I want to say it in that way, okay? So PRAISE GOD!!!! We arrived at 7:20pm. not bad at all. Considering this was my first time to drive to Tagaytay with the girlfriend beside me, keeping me company. Thanks, love!

Dinner. The food was grrreeeaaatt!(kellogs style) The place was warm and cozy. There was also a married couple in their late 50s at the table beside us and the guy was like really praising the meal. WINNER DAW YUNG STEAK. orayt. And ofcourse, my date was the greatest part of the evening. yihee! It was Valentine's and restos usually give set menus for couples, but in Discovery, they gave it a twist, my dishes were different from my girlfriends. Same main ingredient, differently cooked. I'll upload the menu list in the near future, like tomorrow maybe. We also had sweet wine - made me sleepy. By far, this date was the most challenging one in terms of budget. But hey! as I've said, give love, It's BALENCHIMES, and its all good! It was all worth it!

Discovery Suites - Tagaytay
Along Aguinaldo hwy.
owned by the family of the famous (THE ATENEO) atenista - Chris Tiu.

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